Forgiveness: Writing Our Story When We’re Not Ready

Delete This
2 min readJun 5, 2021
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

We like to think of our lives by the goals and dreams we set for ourselves.

What we forget is that…we’re only human.

I missed an assignment. I quit my job. I forgot my laundry at my parents’. I got left behind in the place I’ve called home for years while other have surpassed living in different corners of the world. I’m figuring out this whole money thing after everything going on from last year.

Why does it feel like when things are not going right, it feels like the world is crashing down all around us.

I think it’s about doing everything little-by-little to keep building ourselves back up when we fall. It’s easier said than done isn’t it?

I’m hard on myself because I expect a lot from myself…

I’m hard on myself because I want to do well because I’ve done well before.

How do we pick ourselves back up when we fall?

I think about the exercise around tapping into our inner child where we talk to that kid to get them to pick themselves back up.

“It’s ok. Do what you can!”
“Just learn from this and do better next time.”

Then we need to remember to not lose the forest for the tree. What is this tree that’s eating up our attention? What is forest; the big picture?

Why are we doing what we’re doing?

What can we do next?

I think that with forgiveness, we allow ourselves the space the grow and learn from our failures that turn our L’s (losses) into valuable life lessons. Yet, like I said, it’s easier said than done, but, I guess we need to remember, it can all be done.

